A Successful Program for Teaching Gemara with Clarity

Watch How to Acquire the Keys to Learn Gemara

This video will clearly demonstrate how students will gain a new look at the Gemara and manage the difficulties encountered in the Gemara text

Students often struggle when learning Gemara.  The text is very confusing. 
There is an unending torrent of strange words flowing into one another, without vowels, commas, periods, or paragraphs for help. 

This hardship is compounded by the Hebrew/Aramaic language barrier. They feel confused and lost. What advice is there for one to overcome these difficulties?
The answer lies within one’s approach to his Gemara study.

Open the video and watch.

R. Yechezkel Norman

Rabbi Yechezkel Norman, a dedicated mechanech for over 35 years, has
painstakingly compiled Gemara Steps and Structure, which is full of
techniques and concepts that have been tried and tested throughout
his long teaching career of successfully developing talmidei chachamim,
even those with limited Gemara experience and appreciation.

Gemara B'Yadcha is Backed by Leading Rabbanim and Educators

HaRav Asher Weiss

"This program is so essential. We have to find ways to familiarize our young talmidim with gemara."

HaRav Aharon Feldman

"The "Gemara Beyadcha" program of Rabbi Yechezkel Norman will be very useful for beginners in Gemara learning."

R. Yitzchok Berkowitz

"I highly reccommend this program. It is so necessary. I'm for it all the way."

R. Zev Leff

"I highly endorse this program and urge individuals and schools to take advantage of it."

R. Shmuel Baron

"Rebbeim need to know that this is on us, it's our responsibility for the next generation."

R. Meir Trivitz

"This program will give students clarity and let them become independent in their learning"

R. Yehoshua Liff

"Anyone who goes through the program is much farther ahead than anyone who hasn't."

The Book Covers the Following:

• The basic Seven Steps used by the Gemara
• Key terms, patterns, and structure in the Gemara
• How to begin to learn a new piece of Gemara
• Rashi’s four basic goals
• Minimizing difficulties in learning Tosfos. 
• Grammar charts
• Word translations with prefixes/suffixes
• Acronym codes
• Abbreviations
• Historical overview of the Oral Torah